I lost a bet

I lost a bet

July 22, 20243 min read

Honor Your Word: Lessons from a Lost Bet

So, I lost a bet. Yep, it happened. But we're going to use this as a lesson because there's something really important here. I'm at the office already and I'm wearing a Celtics shirt from Laura Turner. Let me tell you why.

Many of you know Laura; she's been in the SSHC world for a few years. Laura is a huge Boston Celtics fan, and I am a die-hard Miami Heat fan. We have a fun rivalry. Every year at our event, Laura brings me a Boston Celtics shirt, and I always tell her, "I'm never going to wear that shirt." This year, I made a bet with her: if the Boston Celtics win the NBA championship, I'd wear her shirt. And not just wear it, but wear it publicly, on a live stream. Well, guess what? The Celtics won, and here I am, wearing the shirt and paying up on my bet.

Why am I sharing this? Because it's a perfect example of honoring your word. It's so important to do what you say you're going to do. Yeah, this is a fun, tongue-in-cheek example, but let's look at the bigger picture.

Think back to a year ago. SSHC had a different setup. We had just finished an event and launched our platinum mastermind program and inner circle program. It was our most ambitious promise yet. We had about 10 more in-person staff than we do now, and we promised a lot. But midway through, things didn't go as planned. We had to make tough decisions and adjust, but we still had to fulfill our promises.

The last six months have been tough. Honoring my word meant extra calls, running an additional event, and seven consecutive days of client work in February. It was exhausting, but it was necessary. My brand, my reputation, is built on doing what I say I'll do. If I make a promise, I keep it.

At our recent event, clients came up to me, expressing how much they appreciated that we fulfilled every promise, despite the changes. This reaffirmed that honoring your word is crucial. It might not always lead to immediate gains, but it builds trust and integrity. Over time, this brings more success and word-of-mouth referrals than any marketing strategy.

So, are you delivering on your promises? Are you clear about what you offer and do you follow through? This is essential for building a solid reputation and a sustainable business.

Put "fulfillment" in the comments if this resonates with you. Let me know your takeaways. And remember, your brand follows you everywhere. If you honor your word, people will notice and trust you. Much love, y'all!

Greg Todd, 

P.S. If you have any questions or want to connect, feel free to reach out

P.P.S. - If you haven’t yet, join our community where I go live a few times a week and you can connect with me HERE.

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I lost a bet

I lost a bet

July 22, 20243 min read

Honor Your Word: Lessons from a Lost Bet

So, I lost a bet. Yep, it happened. But we're going to use this as a lesson because there's something really important here. I'm at the office already and I'm wearing a Celtics shirt from Laura Turner. Let me tell you why.

Many of you know Laura; she's been in the SSHC world for a few years. Laura is a huge Boston Celtics fan, and I am a die-hard Miami Heat fan. We have a fun rivalry. Every year at our event, Laura brings me a Boston Celtics shirt, and I always tell her, "I'm never going to wear that shirt." This year, I made a bet with her: if the Boston Celtics win the NBA championship, I'd wear her shirt. And not just wear it, but wear it publicly, on a live stream. Well, guess what? The Celtics won, and here I am, wearing the shirt and paying up on my bet.

Why am I sharing this? Because it's a perfect example of honoring your word. It's so important to do what you say you're going to do. Yeah, this is a fun, tongue-in-cheek example, but let's look at the bigger picture.

Think back to a year ago. SSHC had a different setup. We had just finished an event and launched our platinum mastermind program and inner circle program. It was our most ambitious promise yet. We had about 10 more in-person staff than we do now, and we promised a lot. But midway through, things didn't go as planned. We had to make tough decisions and adjust, but we still had to fulfill our promises.

The last six months have been tough. Honoring my word meant extra calls, running an additional event, and seven consecutive days of client work in February. It was exhausting, but it was necessary. My brand, my reputation, is built on doing what I say I'll do. If I make a promise, I keep it.

At our recent event, clients came up to me, expressing how much they appreciated that we fulfilled every promise, despite the changes. This reaffirmed that honoring your word is crucial. It might not always lead to immediate gains, but it builds trust and integrity. Over time, this brings more success and word-of-mouth referrals than any marketing strategy.

So, are you delivering on your promises? Are you clear about what you offer and do you follow through? This is essential for building a solid reputation and a sustainable business.

Put "fulfillment" in the comments if this resonates with you. Let me know your takeaways. And remember, your brand follows you everywhere. If you honor your word, people will notice and trust you. Much love, y'all!

Greg Todd, 

P.S. If you have any questions or want to connect, feel free to reach out

P.P.S. - If you haven’t yet, join our community where I go live a few times a week and you can connect with me HERE.

Follow Greg on Socials:

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Greg Todd helps healthcare professionals make a massive impact and income. Learn how to start & scale a business that brings you time, clinical and financial freedom.


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