Have you ever felt like you’re working harder than ever, yet your bank account doesn’t seem to reflect it? You’re not alone. I’ve been there too, and so have countless others who started their careers with big dreams, only to find themselves stuck in the daily grind, wondering where all their hard work is really leading.
I remember a time early in my career when I was doing everything “right.” I was putting in long hours, building my practice, and trying to be everything to everyone. But at the end of the day, despite all the hustle, I wasn’t seeing the financial results I’d expected.
Then, something happened that shook me awake. I was on a trip to Oslo, Norway, visiting family. My wife’s cousin was living a life I hadn’t even imagined was possible. They had financial freedom, time to travel, and the kind of lifestyle that felt completely out of reach for me at the time. It wasn’t just about the money; it was the freedom that came with it.
That trip opened my eyes to a simple truth: I wasn’t making the money I deserved because I was stuck in a mindset of trading time for money. I was working hard, but I wasn’t working smart.
Here’s the thing—most of us have been conditioned to believe that the more hours we put in, the more money we’ll make. But that’s a trap, especially in healthcare where time is literally money. The more patients you see, the more you earn. But there’s a hard limit to how many hours you can work, and eventually, you hit a ceiling.
This mindset keeps you on a treadmill, running faster but not really getting anywhere. You’re exhausted, burned out, and still not seeing the financial rewards you deserve. The truth is, trading time for money is a losing game, and it’s one that keeps too many talented professionals from reaching their true potential.
The real change happens when you stop trading time for money and start getting paid for the results you deliver. This is what I call a solutions-based offer. Instead of charging by the hour, you create value that people are willing to pay for, regardless of how much time it takes you to deliver it.
I’ve seen this approach work wonders for healthcare professionals who were once stuck in the same rut. By creating solutions-based offers—whether it’s an online course, a membership program, or a specialized service—you can scale your income without scaling your hours.
One of my clients, Kelly, was in a similar position a few years back. She was working long hours and barely scraping by. But once she shifted her focus to building a solution that her clients needed and valued, everything changed. She went from being overwhelmed and underpaid to having a thriving business that gave her both the income and the freedom she’d been dreaming of.
If you’re not making the money you deserve, ask yourself: Are you stuck in the time-for-money trap? Are you spending all your energy on tasks that don’t truly move the needle for you financially?
It’s time to break free from that mindset. Start thinking about how you can create value that goes beyond the hours you put in. Think about the problems you’re uniquely positioned to solve, and how you can package those solutions in a way that scales.
The good news is, you don’t have to do this alone. If you’re ready to start building solutions-based offers that can transform your income and your life, I’m here to help. Whether it’s through personalized coaching, group programs, or just a simple conversation to get you started, I want to see you succeed.
Don’t wait for things to get better on their own. Take control of your financial future today.
Much love,
Greg Todd
Have you ever felt like you’re working harder than ever, yet your bank account doesn’t seem to reflect it? You’re not alone. I’ve been there too, and so have countless others who started their careers with big dreams, only to find themselves stuck in the daily grind, wondering where all their hard work is really leading.
I remember a time early in my career when I was doing everything “right.” I was putting in long hours, building my practice, and trying to be everything to everyone. But at the end of the day, despite all the hustle, I wasn’t seeing the financial results I’d expected.
Then, something happened that shook me awake. I was on a trip to Oslo, Norway, visiting family. My wife’s cousin was living a life I hadn’t even imagined was possible. They had financial freedom, time to travel, and the kind of lifestyle that felt completely out of reach for me at the time. It wasn’t just about the money; it was the freedom that came with it.
That trip opened my eyes to a simple truth: I wasn’t making the money I deserved because I was stuck in a mindset of trading time for money. I was working hard, but I wasn’t working smart.
Here’s the thing—most of us have been conditioned to believe that the more hours we put in, the more money we’ll make. But that’s a trap, especially in healthcare where time is literally money. The more patients you see, the more you earn. But there’s a hard limit to how many hours you can work, and eventually, you hit a ceiling.
This mindset keeps you on a treadmill, running faster but not really getting anywhere. You’re exhausted, burned out, and still not seeing the financial rewards you deserve. The truth is, trading time for money is a losing game, and it’s one that keeps too many talented professionals from reaching their true potential.
The real change happens when you stop trading time for money and start getting paid for the results you deliver. This is what I call a solutions-based offer. Instead of charging by the hour, you create value that people are willing to pay for, regardless of how much time it takes you to deliver it.
I’ve seen this approach work wonders for healthcare professionals who were once stuck in the same rut. By creating solutions-based offers—whether it’s an online course, a membership program, or a specialized service—you can scale your income without scaling your hours.
One of my clients, Kelly, was in a similar position a few years back. She was working long hours and barely scraping by. But once she shifted her focus to building a solution that her clients needed and valued, everything changed. She went from being overwhelmed and underpaid to having a thriving business that gave her both the income and the freedom she’d been dreaming of.
If you’re not making the money you deserve, ask yourself: Are you stuck in the time-for-money trap? Are you spending all your energy on tasks that don’t truly move the needle for you financially?
It’s time to break free from that mindset. Start thinking about how you can create value that goes beyond the hours you put in. Think about the problems you’re uniquely positioned to solve, and how you can package those solutions in a way that scales.
The good news is, you don’t have to do this alone. If you’re ready to start building solutions-based offers that can transform your income and your life, I’m here to help. Whether it’s through personalized coaching, group programs, or just a simple conversation to get you started, I want to see you succeed.
Don’t wait for things to get better on their own. Take control of your financial future today.
Much love,
Greg Todd
We help Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians and Chiropractors achieve multi 6 to 7 figures per month with few staff, happy patients and great results!
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