Good morning, my friends. Hope you’re all doing fantastic.
Alright. I’m about to rant. I’m about to call you out. And you’ll know if this is for you.
You are fumbling the bag right now. You’re blowing one of the biggest opportunities right in front of you. And I gotta say something about it.
Back in 2005, when I started my clinics, I used to sit in my struggling business, watching cable TV, thinking, "Man, if I could just get a commercial on here, everyone would know about me."
But that was impossible. TV ads were crazy expensive—we’re talking tens of thousands of dollars just to get a few seconds of airtime. I’d see Pepsi, Burger King, McDonald’s commercials rolling every five minutes, and I’d think, If only I had their budget.
Fast forward to 2006, things got a little better. I had the chance to get on a radio network—1620 AM Tampa Bay. They offered me a 30-minute segment once a month for… wait for it… $5,000 a pop.
Five grand.
For AM radio.
I didn’t do it because it was just too tight.
Instead, I had to do what every small business owner had to do back then—get in my car and HUSTLE.
I was driving all over town, stopping by doctor’s offices, gyms, businesses, anywhere I could introduce myself and my clinic.
I was grinding. Because that was the only way.
Now let me ask you a couple of quick questions:
1️⃣ How many of you still have cable TV?
2️⃣ How many of you have listened to the radio in the last 72 hours?
Probably not many of you.
Now, let me tell you where every single one of you HAS been:
📲 Facebook.
📲 Instagram.
📲 TikTok.
📲 YouTube.
You’re on the new cable networks every single day.
But here’s where you’re messing up—you’re just consuming, not creating.
Instead of putting out content that builds your brand, you’re watching other people build theirs.
Instead of becoming an authority in your space, you’re scrolling past people who are.
Instead of using this opportunity, you’re ignoring it like it’s some passing trend.
These platforms are the biggest free marketing tools in the history of business.
If you own a business, if you have a message, if you have any desire to be successful…
🚨 You are actively sabotaging your own success. 🚨
You think you don’t have time?
You think nobody cares?
You think you’re not good on camera?
Let me tell you what I think.
💥 I think you’re letting your fear of looking stupid stop you.
💥 I think you’re hiding behind perfectionism instead of just getting started.
💥 I think you’re waiting for some magic moment that will never come.
Meanwhile, people with HALF your skillset are out here making six and seven figures because they’re showing up every day.
Let me be real: No one’s going to hand you success.
You either start using these platforms to build your audience, grow your business, and make an impact…
Or you keep watching other people do it while you stay stuck.
Your call.
But if you want to finally start using the tools right in front of you, let’s go. Start posting. Show up. Play the game.
Because trust me—the window of opportunity isn’t going to stay open forever.
🔥 Drop a comment below—what’s been holding you back from posting consistently? Let’s talk about it.
Much love,
Good morning, my friends. Hope you’re all doing fantastic.
Alright. I’m about to rant. I’m about to call you out. And you’ll know if this is for you.
You are fumbling the bag right now. You’re blowing one of the biggest opportunities right in front of you. And I gotta say something about it.
Back in 2005, when I started my clinics, I used to sit in my struggling business, watching cable TV, thinking, "Man, if I could just get a commercial on here, everyone would know about me."
But that was impossible. TV ads were crazy expensive—we’re talking tens of thousands of dollars just to get a few seconds of airtime. I’d see Pepsi, Burger King, McDonald’s commercials rolling every five minutes, and I’d think, If only I had their budget.
Fast forward to 2006, things got a little better. I had the chance to get on a radio network—1620 AM Tampa Bay. They offered me a 30-minute segment once a month for… wait for it… $5,000 a pop.
Five grand.
For AM radio.
I didn’t do it because it was just too tight.
Instead, I had to do what every small business owner had to do back then—get in my car and HUSTLE.
I was driving all over town, stopping by doctor’s offices, gyms, businesses, anywhere I could introduce myself and my clinic.
I was grinding. Because that was the only way.
Now let me ask you a couple of quick questions:
1️⃣ How many of you still have cable TV?
2️⃣ How many of you have listened to the radio in the last 72 hours?
Probably not many of you.
Now, let me tell you where every single one of you HAS been:
📲 Facebook.
📲 Instagram.
📲 TikTok.
📲 YouTube.
You’re on the new cable networks every single day.
But here’s where you’re messing up—you’re just consuming, not creating.
Instead of putting out content that builds your brand, you’re watching other people build theirs.
Instead of becoming an authority in your space, you’re scrolling past people who are.
Instead of using this opportunity, you’re ignoring it like it’s some passing trend.
These platforms are the biggest free marketing tools in the history of business.
If you own a business, if you have a message, if you have any desire to be successful…
🚨 You are actively sabotaging your own success. 🚨
You think you don’t have time?
You think nobody cares?
You think you’re not good on camera?
Let me tell you what I think.
💥 I think you’re letting your fear of looking stupid stop you.
💥 I think you’re hiding behind perfectionism instead of just getting started.
💥 I think you’re waiting for some magic moment that will never come.
Meanwhile, people with HALF your skillset are out here making six and seven figures because they’re showing up every day.
Let me be real: No one’s going to hand you success.
You either start using these platforms to build your audience, grow your business, and make an impact…
Or you keep watching other people do it while you stay stuck.
Your call.
But if you want to finally start using the tools right in front of you, let’s go. Start posting. Show up. Play the game.
Because trust me—the window of opportunity isn’t going to stay open forever.
🔥 Drop a comment below—what’s been holding you back from posting consistently? Let’s talk about it.
Much love,
We help Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians and Chiropractors achieve multi 6 to 7 figures per month with few staff, happy patients and great results!
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